Showing 5 Result(s)

The Importance of Finishing

I wanted to take a moment to talk about the importance of finishing and skill building. So you would think that a draft that’s been edited, rewritten, reviewed, edited, rewritten… would be good to go right? Not necessarily. Skills grow and taste grows along with them. As your skills grow, you become aware of things …

What’s the Point?

Still running the #shareyourworld game on Twitter. You get to tell me, in a tweet (if possible), what your world is about. I’m noticing two trends: We confuse story with world. We don’t know why we’re building. Sometimes I’ll get replies that tell me plot. “Scott the magical dog goes on an adventure to Doom …

How Many Iterations? + A Video

I came upon a note in my list of project questions for Woolmancy: “Character design, how many iterations?” I laugh at this, and kind of laughed when I wrote it. No matter how many times I refine my design, it’s going to change once I start placing the actors on their stage (drawing the real …

Your World is a Good Idea

I will be posting some more visual development stuff soon, but another thought came to mind as I was editing my script for Woolmancy.  The idea you have isn’t silly. Even if it’s been done or doesn’t seem like it’s wrestling with world-changing concepts! I always feel somewhat ashamed of my ideas or names or plots …

Welcome. It’s good to see you.

My name is Abrian and I’m a visual storyteller. I love maps, comics and worlds full of wonder. I’m glad you stopped by. I illustrate worlds, both real and imagined, building brick-by-brick. I want to explore flora and fauna, and chart all the regions I explore. And I want you to come along with me. …